
5 signs your logo is not working for you

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Your logo should be supporting the mission and goals of your organization. But many logos are on life support. They survive only because they've always been there. (Like celebrities who are famous for being famous.) If your logo is suffering from these maladies, then it's time to stop apologizing for your logo. Your logo should be working for you – not the other way around.

Here is our public service announcement of the signs that your logo is not working for you:
1. You always have to explain what it is
2. It refers to a business or service that you no longer offer
3. You can't tell what it is when it's small
4. Nobody really likes it but it's been around so long that nobody wants to change it
5. There is no digital version
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Langton Creative Group is a NY communications design firm dedicated to improving the way businesses and organizations interact with their audiences. We were founded as Langton Cherubino Group in 1990.

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Ardsley, NY 10502