
Could Pinterest be visual marketing's new best friend?

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Pinterest is the new social media sensation with over 10 million new users per month. Pinterest is an online scrapbook that allows you to collect images, videos and websites in one easy to view area with links or "pins" that you may share. How can you use this new free service to collect visuals?

So what is Pinterest?
Here's how Jason Keith puts in on boston.com: Ultimately, it's a big collage board for the Internet. It allows people to "pin" images (and video, but good luck competing with YouTube) of things they like and want to share with others. These can be anything from funny pictures, professional images, food, places, or the all important "gifts." If you see an image online, you can "pin it," categorize it and Pinterest automatically matches back to the site that it was pulled from. From there anyone can repin something, like it or comment on it. Keith warns that unless your website can immediately convert sales, then Pinterest will probably not be money-maker for you. But it certainly is a fun way to scrapbook and collect visuals and share them with others.

Check out Langton Cherubino's Pinterest boards on visual marketing.
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Langton Creative Group is a NY communications design firm dedicated to improving the way businesses and organizations interact with their audiences. We were founded as Langton Cherubino Group in 1990.

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