South Bronx Rising Together brings the power of collective impact to the poorest congressional district in the nation. A new infographic explains the process to donors, volunteers and community leaders.
Bronx Community District 3 has a rich cultural history yet it is in the poorest congressional district in the nation. 83.2% of children are born into poverty and the Bronx has the highest unemployment rate in the state of New York. South Bronx Rising Together is a collaborative network of program providers and community stakeholders. They work together to create a community that is college and career ready by leveraging the expertise of a network of families, educators, business leaders, community advocates and service providers to support the lifelong success of families and youth in the community.
An infographic created by Jim Keller and David Langton from Langton Cherubino Group defines the core issues for the South Bronx informing community leaders and donors of the situation at hand while sharing the vision of the South Bronx as a vibrant and safe community of working families where children have the opportunities and resources they need to succeed.
“We use this tool all the time to communicate the core messaging to our partners and donors. It quickly conveys the theoretical concept of “collective impact” while also providing specifics of our approach in the South Bronx,“ says Abe Fernández,
Co-Director, South Bronx Rising Together, and Director of Collective Impact, The Children's Aid Society, “It’s better than a 50-page positioning paper.”
Stats and graphics that tell a bigger story
South Bronx Rising Together in conjunction with The Children’s Aid Society and Phipps Neighborhoods recently released a 2016 Progress Report that shares results to-date from over 150 partners engaged in transformational work. Langton Cherubino’s senior designer Jenny Christopherson designed the report with colorful charts and graphics that highlight progress to-date while telling personal stories of trust developed, hope renewed and talent unleashed. Statistics that track progress are an important part of the process. Collaborative Action Partners meet every month to review data, identify effective practices and implement strategies that no one individual or organization could achieve on their own.
South Bronx Rising Together seeks to remove barriers to success and create opportunities and reinvent the South Bronx as a community where people aspire to live, work and raise families.
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