
Langton Cherubino and Law & Order: SVU

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So, what is the connection? Elmo, one of our favorite Chelsea restaurants, is featured in an upcoming episode of Law & Order: SVU. The episode, "Learning Curve", will premiere on Wednesday, May 9th, at 10:00pm. With special guest star Martha Stewart!

Why the excitement around here? Well, our Design Director Jim Keller, is responsible for the visual look of the menu system at Elmo. So, while you are checking out the show, check out Jim's menus.

Missed the premiere? You can always watch the show at NBC.com.
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Langton Creative Group is a NY communications design firm dedicated to improving the way businesses and organizations interact with their audiences. We were founded as Langton Cherubino Group in 1990.

29 McKinley Place
Ardsley, NY 10502