
Own a Color

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The average computer, smartphone, and tablet can display 16.7 million colors. That’s a lot of colors! And now you can now actually “own” one of those millions of colors.

Own A Color is from UNICEF and Glidden Paint. Together, they are raising money for UNICEF’s global efforts to help children in disaster zones and crisis hit areas around the world. For just a $2 donation, you can select and name your very own color. Keep the color for yourself or give it as a gift.

It’s a bit like owning a star, or a crater on the Moon, but a lot more useful as you can share your color on your social networks and even find out how your chosen shade adds up with the current color trends. All at the same time as helping children of the world.

And while you are picking out your own colors, check out the three Langton Cherubino Group colors.
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Langton Creative Group is a NY communications design firm dedicated to improving the way businesses and organizations interact with their audiences. We were founded as Langton Cherubino Group in 1990.

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Ardsley, NY 10502