We are often told to be more positive. Use the carrot instead of the stick. Sugar works better than vinegar. But does sugar-coating a bad design solution really make it any better?
3 Things Clients Don’t Want to Hear.
We are often told to be more positive. Use the carrot instead of the stick. Sugar works better than vinegar. But does sugar-coating a bad design solution really make it any better?

1. Everything can’t be bold
On a layout we are asked to make everything more important. Put the headline in bold, make the call-out bigger, add a box to emphasize this information, then make this section bold and that section bold italic. Pretty soon the whole page looks like a ransom note. If everything is important, then nothing is important. Sometimes you have to tell the client that everything can’t be bold. It’s about using contrast and emphasis to establish priority.
2. Your new logo will not solve your communication problem

3. A template is not a website solution
Wordpress offers great templates, themes and plug-ins that make building a website much easier. But having a template is not the solution to your communication strategy. Your website is still the best way for clients and prospects to find out about you and your offerings. You need to determine if your website is primary for: education/informing, selling or validating? What is the call-to-action? What messaging do you want to convey to your users? What themes, impressions and attitudes do you want your users to feel when they visit your URL? We are often asked to use existing templates and to just plug-in the graphics. But that’s not enough.
Sometimes you have to tell the client that it’s not really about the technology, it’s about the messaging delivered through word and image.
Are you the type of client who wants straight talk and real answers? We believe better solutions are achieved when we speak directly and offer our experiences and expertise even when it may not be want you really want to hear. Back to Insights