
What does James Woods think about iPhones?

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Actor, MIT graduate, and Mensa member, James Woods, was recently interviewed in the New York Post. He has a lot to say about the iPhone:

“I think the iPhone was as significant an invention as the Gutenburg press, in terms of the future of humanity,” he told The Post this week.

“Think about this, we spent a million years in an oral, visual tradition — cave paintings and tales by the fire. Then, when the Gutenberg press was invented, we started communicating in a very unorthodox way.

“Now, we’re back to a visual tradition. We’re back to YouTube, imagery, photo stream, some texting. But, by and large, we’re going back to an audio, visual tradition.

“The whole world has gone back to something we are genetically engineered to do — communicating through symbols.”

It also looks like Mr. Woods has been reading our recent blog post, Marketing in a Visual World.

Click here to read the entire interview.


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