Insights: Financial Services
Langton Cherubino wins 2 Golds and 4 Silvers!
Langton Cherubino won six 2016 Communicator Awards for design excellence. Congratulations to the team at Langton Cherubino: Steve Chesler, Julie Cottineau, Jenny Christopherson, Jim Keller and Amanda Neville.
Langton Cherubino Wins 6 American Design Awards
We are pleased to announce that we won an unprecedented six American Design Awards this year.
Everyone is not your audience. Who is?
Langton Cherubino wins three 2015 Communicator Awards
Langton Cherubino won six 2016 Communicator Awards for design excellence for Deloitte's Greenhouse video, Deloitte's Business Chemistry video and Healthy Pfizer’s Fresh Start Tobacco-Free Website
Rand Paul Paul Rand Quiz
Gail Collins’s New York Times column, “Rand Paul Paul Rand Quiz” (April 9, 2015) changes Rand Paul to Paul Rand. Rand (the design thinker) vs Paul (the libertarian politician) would have lent itself to a great quiz.
Good Humor meets Whole Foods - Branding The Natural Scoop
Introducing The Natural Scoop: Way Better Cold Stuff. All natural frozen treats. No chemicals or artificial anything. Ingredients you can pronounce. Allergen-free brands you trust. Taste you love.
Emoji symbol is 2014’s Top Word
What does this mean for communication? It means we are truly more and more visual. Our use of symbols continues to grow.
Flowers for those who want to see them
As designers, we know that things are not always clear on the first view but there’s a solution in there somewhere if we just work hard enough to find it.
5 Essential Communication Tips for 2015
What can Henri Matisse teach us about communication in today’s world of communication.
Grand Slam Logo
Jerry Dior who died this month designed the famous Major League Baseball logo to commemorate professional baseball.