Insights: Financial Services

Will AI replace designers, writers, and content creators?
Are you putting your brand signature on your AI communications?

Online Headlines vs Print Headlines
Online headlines for your website and for use in social media are more descriptive since they are written to be searched. Print headlines are written to entice and tend to be shorter. Writing for digital vs. print audiences is different. Do you want to get the most out of your online headlines?
Everyone is not your audience. Who is?

Thanks for the Clicks! Our Top 10 Videos
Langton Creative Group surpassed 1000 video views!

Planning for a future that keeps changing
What does a business forecast look like when most of your clients are closed or working part-time? It’s time to listen to improv comedians who do this all the time.

Should your logo be replaced…or can it be refreshed?
Sometimes, minor changes and adjustments can be made to a logo. We call that a logo “refresh.”

What to do in the time of Coronavirus?
Here’s what some of our clients are talking about…and some recommendations.

Is it time to rebrand your organization?
Do you find yourself constantly explaining what your logo stands for? Or, worse, do you find yourself apologizing for your brand?

Design your future
Will this be a year of real change? “Never underestimate the power of human ingenuity,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times. What does that mean for your brand and communications?

Transform Your Annual Report
The annual report is an important tool for telling your story of transformation.

You’re inhouse. Why go outside for design?
Here are five reasons why you should consider going outside for design services.

Will T-Mobile pink or Sprint yellow dominate the telecom merger?
Color plays an important role in defining a brand. What does color mean for your brand?

Make News: Your Anniversary is a not-to-be-missed PR opportunity
Tell your story and then use your milestones to connect to core values so that you may celebrate an anniversary that really matters.

Ladas & Parry: Intellectual Property Law Firm at 100
Anniversary Case study #2: Ladas & Parry makes history with a successful rebranding.

Langton Creative Wins 5 Design Awards
The Communicator Awards is the leading international awards program recognizing big ideas in marketing and communications with over 6,000 entries from companies and agencies of all sizes, making it one of the largest awards of its kind in the world.