Our Press
Restructuring a Hedge Fund Communication Design – Making the Content Right so the Design Can Begin
Message = Mission
Is Your Website Taking A Vacation Before You Do?
I really do ? NY logo
The Billion Dollar Ford Logo
Your website's design can speak volumes, so be sure that it's speaking your language
Wayne Hurlbert interviewed Anita Campbell and David Langton
10 Budget-Friendly Ways to Market Your Business
Anita Campbell and David Langton joined Howard Lewinter
The Most Important Page In Your Corporate Identity Manual
“Bad design often motivates me. When I see a disorganized website, an incomprehensible identity, or
David Langton, a visual communication designer, prolific blogger and author on visual design was rec
David Langton - Marketing A Small Business for Success
David Langton and Anita Campbell, authors of Visual Marketing, join Robert Thompson and Mike Neiss t
In this special episode, David Langton, Founder of Langton Cherubino Group, joins Anita Campbell for
Our Books

Visual Marketing: 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design (Wiley)

Work-Life: A Collection of World at Work articles

The Best of the Best of American Humor (Random House, 2002)
Articles by David Langton
A Checklist When Changing Your Company’s Logo

Published Work
Our design work is featured in the following books: