Insights: Design Thinking
Flowers for those who want to see them
As designers, we know that things are not always clear on the first view but there’s a solution in there somewhere if we just work hard enough to find it.
5 Essential Communication Tips for 2015
What can Henri Matisse teach us about communication in today’s world of communication.
Everyone is not your audience. Who is?
Grand Slam Logo
Jerry Dior who died this month designed the famous Major League Baseball logo to commemorate professional baseball.
Truth-Telling Designers (#1 in a series)
We are often told to be more positive. Use the carrot instead of the stick. Sugar works better than vinegar. But does sugar-coating a bad design solution really make it any better?
2 x 2 = 4 Award-winning Designs
Our work for Healthy Pfizer and Reading Health System received two American Health + Wellness Design awards each.
Positioning Statements vs Taglines
Your positioning statement is internal. A tagline is consumer facing. Learn how they may build up your communications.
What can Picasso teach us about logo design?
Like Picasso’s drawings of a series of bulls, a good logo projects the image and the theme of a company, even though there are less lines and details. That’s the beauty of good design.
Four Steps to a Better Homepage
Most of the people who arrive on your home page are armed with these predictable questions: Your answers to those questions should shape your homepage design approach.
Embracing our New Logo with Open Arms
This video for Open Arms displays the process behind creating their new logo, including concepts, theme boards and early sketches of our work.
Reading Health System Wins 3 Design Awards
The overriding goal for Reading Health System is, “to enhance and sustain wellness for the residents of our region.” This is especially challenging in the 21st century healthcare environment.